Change from Within Workshop 3: Restorative Circles, Mindfulness, Reactivity

Please Note

This workshop is for participants of the Change from Within training. If you are interested in taking this training, click the link to enroll.

Objective: Learn and practice some of the basics of restorative circles; discuss and practice mindfulness; learn to recognize our triggers.

This workshop will continue the conversation around trauma-informed practices by considering the ways restorative circles can be implemented during a practice.  We will have a short practice followed by a discussion about mindfulness and a chance to consider our own reactivity when challenges inevitably arise. 

We will send a reminder email with a link to the workshop the day before the event.

How do I participate in a workshop?

  • Register for one of the “Upcoming Workshops” below
  • Attend the workshop
  • Complete the following quiz to let us know when you attended the workshop

Upcoming Workshops

Course Content

Not Enrolled
This course is currently closed

Course Includes

  • 1 Quiz