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6/22/23 Live Session Recording

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Here is the link to access the recording from our first live session on 6/22/23


If you were unable to join live, please watch the recording as you are able and offer any questions your comments you have to this thread. Please also introduce yourself in the Welcome & Introductions thread if you have not done so already. Thank you!

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I was able to watch the 1st recording on the live session 6/22/23.  I am so excited to work with all of you.  I sense a certain passion in what we all are trying to accomplish.  I see we are all here to practice Yoga and understand the value of continued growth in our Yoga practices.  I feel a sense of belonging here.  I was able to follow along with the demonstration of the Trauma Informed Sequencing.  I thankfully followed thru the prompts during the introduction and seem to be able to navigate successfully on the website and correspondence through e-mail.  I intend to join the live sessions, as soon as this space and time permit.  I look forward to discovering more as I follow along module 1.  See you all soon!

Jen reacted
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Hello Everyone!

I was able to view the first lecture recording. I feel this is going to be an extremely useful and transformative training for me in my work and every day life. Even though I was not able to be there in person, I do feel connected to everyone and loved the opportunity to get to know everyone a bit more as well as what really called us to this work and training. 

I really appreciated the yoga practice in particular. I grew up dancing and always felt when we had yoga classes in my undergraduate education it was about who was the most flexible, who had the best posture in the pose, who had the deepest squat in goddess pose, etc. I distinctly remember wanting to begin a yoga class and physically injuring myself in class and dropping out which harmed my view of yoga for a good amount of time. In the yoga practice provided in this recording I felt welcome to do what my body needed in the day and was provided ample modifications which is important for me as I have injured myself multiple times. The healing-informed and trauma-informed sequencing and tools helped this to feel like a safe space to take care of myself and I can see how it would be useful in my workplace as well (where I hope to run groups).

I hope to be in person at some point in this training. The Zoom sessions unfortunately conflict with my work day. Depending on my workload for the week and the acuity on my unit at the hospital that week may determine my ability to do so. Either way, I look forward to sharing space virtually with everyone and diving deeper into this content as we all develop our practice and facilitation styles!


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@kaliskodack Welcome to you!!

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Hey everyone! I was finally able to watch this recording and am working on the others, hoping to join in person asap. What an amazing container for heart oriented people to gather, I am excited to connect with this group. I am so drawn to the idea that in order to share this work I must cultivate and place of self care and continue healing for myself and I am drawn to exploring and hammering out the why behind this work as well as collaborating with others. I will share more about this why in the intros and as we go on but I am also open to how this experience will evolve. It's feels special to be around during a time where communities are acknowledging how our experiences do stay in the body and that we are able to come together to develop tools and resources that support our varying energies and healing journeys. The sequence as well as the module overview reminds me of how layered and dynamic the practice of yoga can be and it feels nourishing to unpack and explore how we can release trauma from an empowering, supportive, and safe place.
