Hello everyone,
I hope all is well, My name is Michele Eckwerth it was a pleasure meeting and greeting with everyone last week. i look forwarding to sharing more about myself and learning more about others along our journey here. I'm still feeling under the weather, just taking life one day at time. hope to see you guys and gals on thursday. much love always
Hello! I am greeting you from the warm comforts of my bed, in South Lake Tahoe California. I started this teacher training last summer and was unable to finish the cohort. I have recommitted myself to this program and am so happy to be here with you. That is it for now (short and sweet, I know 🙂 ) .. I look forward to sharing more of myself as we move through this training series, and most of all look forward to getting to know you! Be well.
@eldemboszgmail-com welcome back Lizzy, timing must be a Universal move 😊
Hey everyone! I was unable to make the meeting last week due to a work conflict but I'm so grateful to be in this space. You have all been incredibly inspiring to me even from the first session, and I am so looking forward to getting to know all of you as best as we can in the zoom space. Looking forward to seeing you all this upcoming week!
Hi Everyone,
My name is Farhan Mohammad, and I’m beyond excited to be part of this cohort alongside so many incredible individuals. A little about me:
- I’ve lived in Brooklyn, NYC, for 30 years.
- I’m a corporate consultant passionate about civic engagement, volunteerism, activism, and social impact — striving to leave the world a little better than I found it.
- Recently, I’ve been diving deeper into somatic therapy, inner child work, meditation, and yoga.
One of the nonprofits I volunteer with is All Kings NY, a men's group dedicated to creating safe spaces for formerly incarcerated men to explore vulnerability and healthy masculinity. Naturally, I was thrilled to discover Yoga Prison Project and its unique approach to blending yoga philosophy with social justice.
After this training, I hope to bring this work to communities with limited access to yoga (juvenile detention centers, prisons, foster homes, halfway houses) and to my own community.
Looking forward to a deep and transformative six months ahead.