Chair Yoga Sequence with Nam Chanterrwyn This sequence can be practiced on a chair or on the side of a bed. Try to create large dynamic movements with the upper body and rest as much as you need. English Practice,Practice Videos You may also like 41:00 Yoga Para Vitalidad y Energía Practice Videos,Spanish Practice 14:56 Yoga Para la Ansiedad Practice Videos,Spanish Practice 24:42 Yoga Para Combatir Depresión Practice Videos,Spanish Practice 26:44 Yoga Para Aliviar Dolor Nervio Ciático Practice Videos,Spanish Practice 56:17 Yoga for Back Pain with James Fox English Practice,Practice Videos 39:08 Yoga en Silla Practice Videos,Spanish Practice 5:38 Wider Circles Vinyasa with Josefin Wikstrom English Practice,Practice Videos 23:06 Secuencia para Relajar Tension Muscular con Jomally Fernandez Practice Videos,Spanish Practice 24:51 Secuencia para Relajar Tension Muscular con Jano Galindo Practice Videos,Spanish Practice 20:50 Secuencia para la Energia con Jomally Fernandez Practice Videos,Spanish Practice 1234»Page 1 of 4