2023 TPW Women’s Committee Trauma Facilitation
Hello Community!
Our friends and colleagues at the Transformative in-Prison Workgroup (TPW) is hosting an Advanced Training: Trauma Informed Facilitation in Women’s Prisons this Thursday!
The TPW is an amazing group that includes many of the California groups doing work in California state prisons.
This is a free event where they will discuss ways to be trauma informed when facilitating inside women’s prisons and there will be opportunities for participants to learn grounding techniques and practice facilitating them!
This workshop will be recorded for folks who are not able to attend live.
If you are interested, you may RSVP here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYvc-GvqTwrHdX5n2IrDBtpPCkNRlQjg6pd