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3/23/23 Week 10 Reflections (After Watching the Recording)

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3/23/23 Week 10 Recording

Please reflect on the discussion of Santosha (Contentment) and consider what postures and props you might offer in a 15 minute practice of either Energetic Release, Dynamic Warm-up, and Centering OR Strength and Mobility, Focus & Concentration, and Integration & Relaxation. Also consider reaching out to other members of our cohort to create a small workgroup. 

Also consider participating in this week's mindfulness activity:

This week I invite you to continue to explore your personal movement and breathing practices. What does this look like? Are you spending any time on a yoga mat? Do you walk? Participate in sports? Gardening? Shoveling? Notice how you move your body in ways not related to work/errands/education. Where is there space for you? Please consider journaling your observations

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Thanks, Jen!

For me I will bring santosha/contentment info my classes by inviting participants to find comfort in the poses. I will regularly offer props or modifications so that all participants can find comfort and surrender into each pose.

For focus and concentration I will plan to offer the following poses and modifications/props:

mountain pose--standing, on knees, or seated in a chair

plank--start in a table top position and stay there if that's comfortable, then extend one leg at a time with leaving the opposite knee supporting as in table top, then only if comfortable extend both legs at the same time. To do with a prop, fold several blankets and place under the torso and abdomen so that the whole body is supported while doing the table top and extending one leg at a time.

chair pose--modify by only bringing the hips as low as is comfortable or by staying seated in a chair with arms raised up

eagle pose--modify by staying seated in a chair and crossing arms and ankles in a modified eagle

lotus--modify by staying seated in a chair, resting hands on knees with palms facing up; or do a modified lotus by placing bottoms of the feet together with rolled up or folder blankets under the bent knees on either side so that the hips aren't strained, seated against a wall so that the back is supported, hands resting on thighs with palms facing up


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I loved the discussion and the Module. I looked for happiness for 38 years....until I realized that looking for happiness kept me unhappy. Being content where I am, with what I have is true happiness. No longer searching for more or better. But accepting life on life's terms allows me to live better which ultimately brings me more contentment. 


15 Minute Sequence

Discharge & Energy Release:

Marching and clapping

Stepping side to side

Toes taps in front incorporating lifting the opposite arm 

Brush off the day.


Dynamic Warm Up:

(using Chair)

Ankle circles R then L

Flex and point toes R/L

Torso Circles

Wrist Circles

open/close hands

Roll Shoulders, incorporate arm circles.

Mtn Pose and Check in with body



Seated in chair

Rub hands together

place hands on face, rest forehead on finger tips

Hands to knees, palms up or down

Notice your breath, rise and fall of chest


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Posts: 13

Thank you for this recording. I think the more I start to think about these different types of offerings, I start to really thing about the type of people that I want to help. Currently I am helping veterans but I think that after this course I might want to offer classes to the youth or people struggling with every day life.


15 min sequence for  Focus & Concentration, and Integration & Relaxation:

Energy Release:

Rolling your shoulders forward and backward

Shaking out the arms with your eyes closed (invitation): take 3 deep breaths here

Move side to side, allow the body to freely move as it needs to


Focus and Concentration:

Easy Seat: Sit on the floor with legs crossed. I would offer a prop at this point, a block or a folded blanket if needed. 

Hip circles: on all fours from left to right and then from right to left

Cat and cow: Breathing in while rounding your back and breathing out while posturing into cat. 


Integration & Relaxation:

Puppy pose: Taking 3 deep breaths here.

Sphinx pose: Allowing the body to be still in this pose for 3 breaths

Restorative locust pose: Invitation only for 3-5 minutes. 


