Last seen: Jul 8, 2024
Q: Complete the body practices starting on pg. 141, which are written within Chapter 10. Which practices do not seem appropriate for a correctional se...
A time I saw a black body arrested was when I was visiting my husband who was incarcerated at the time. The man was an inmate who was taken out of vis...
Q: Complete the body practice on pg. 77. Reflect on your experience. (If you are working with different page numbers- this is the first set of body pr...
Through these first few chapters i was able to explore more in depth the roots of where my own beliefs began, I am a white and Mexican woman who looks...
also here is my phone number 619-740-9186 i dont have whats app but def am open to text or I have signal messenger as well. I also wanted to off...
My instagram is @Stonedhealingco . -- I post a lot about my reiki/mental health journeys/my dogs lol. Facebook is : Nikki Mitchell cant wait ...
Hi if I can have the April 14 slot it would be greatly appreciated:)